As of April 2011, it became mandatory for Operatives with an expiring New Roads and Street Works (NRSW) card to attend a New Roads and Street Works Requalification training course in order to renew their card. NRSW cards are valid for five years, and the card holder is expected to undergo the two-day renewal NRSWA course in order to keep their qualification
There are 16 NRSWA course units of competence with the New Roads and Street Works Act. The unit referencing scheme was updated in April 2017, when the new regulations came into force in England, these being The Street Works (Qualifications of Operatives and Supervisors) (England) Regulations 2016. For clarity both the old numerical references and new alpha-numeric references are included below. Unit 1 (LA) is for Supervisors and Operators, Units 2-9 (O1-O8) are relevant to operators, and Units 10-16 (S1 - S7) are relevant to Supervisors.
It is possible to take this NRSWA course up to a year prior and five years after the expiry date of the original NRSW card, however, once the expiry date has been reached, Operatives will not be qualified to undertake their work until they take the reassessment NRSWA course.
If candidates hold a Dual Operative and Supervisor card, they will need to renew all units held on their card in order to retain them. For example, if a candidate only takes the New Roads and Street Works Requalification course for Supervisors and does not renew their Operative units, they will lose their Operative qualification and will need to re-take the full five-day New Roads and Street Works for Operatives course again if the units are needed.
The Requalification course consists of a mixture of refresher streetworks training and assessments for each unit held on the candidate’s original New Roads and Street Works card. This course allows Operatives to renew the following units on their cards:
The candidate will be assessed through a series of open book, multiple choice questions and will be required to pass them all in order to retain all units previously held on their card.
This NRSWA training course will be delivered with classroom discussion, followed by written multiple choice exam papers, which are taken under strict exam conditions. Each exam paper must be completed within a strict 30-minute timeframe.
Please check for open courses in this category when the Green Dates button appears at the top of the page, or for more general help or further information please send an enquiry to [email protected].
Please click here for further information on the NRSWA courses we offer (also known as ‘streetworks courses’ or ‘streetworks training’) to ensure that Supervisors and Operatives are qualified to carry out their duties to standards, in-line with the New Roads and Street Works Act, current legislation, and applicable Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP’s).