These first aid at work courses are suitable if you have determined that your organisation needs one of more trained First Aiders that require a level of training included in the 3-day HSE Approved First Aid at Work course (FAW). This level of first aid training goes beyond that of the one-day Emergency First Aid course and also covers the requirements of the Appointed Person.
This category includes First Aid at Work (FAW) courses. First Aid at Work Refresher Courses are in their own separate category: First Aid Requalification courses.
This comprehensive three-day first aid at work course is designed to provide the first aider with the skills required to give effective life support, diagnose and treat injuries or illness and maintain care and comfort for the casualty. The emphasis is placed on dealing with life threatening situations to help ensure that the casualty is kept alive until professional help arrives.
It is assessed by a 10 question multi choice exam at the end of Day 1 and a 20 question multi choice exam at the end of Day 3, plus Practical Assessments throughout the course.
Successful candidates will receive the HSE approved First Aider certificate. This is valid for a period of 3 years.
This first aid at work training course is split into two units:
Included in these units are relevant topics related to each area; for example:
First Aid at Work courses are delivered nationwide. Delegates can either attend open courses or where there is a requirement for more than one delegate to be trained there may be a justification for arranging an in-company course.
Please note that all candidates must be able to undertake practical activities such as lying down and kneeling to simulate a potential emergency situation
Please check for open courses in this category below, or for more general help or further information please send an enquiry to [email protected].
Please click here for further information on the First Aid courses we offer.