What’s the course all about?
The basic working at height safety training course is specifically designed for anyone whose job requires them to work at height, and which involves them using the necessary height safety equipment to do this work safely.
The basic manual handling safety training course is specifically designed for anyone whose job requires them to lift, move and carry items at work that could cause injury if done so incorrectly.
What will I learn?
The working at heights course is designed to give delegates an understanding of the regulations, and what they mean for the employee as well as the employer.
The manual handling course is designed to give delegates a basic awareness of manual handling safety in general, and to give an appreciation of good techniques for lifting and handling loads in a safe and efficient manner, thereby reducing the risk of injury.
Exactly What Will I Do?
At the end of the course, delegates will have covered the following:
Working at Height:
- Health and Safety law and Working at Height Regulations
- Duties of the employer and employee
- Defining ‘Working at Height’
- Safe use of equipment – ladders, steps, towers, MEWPS etc.
- Risk assessment
- Inspecting equipment
Manual Handling:
- Legislation and regulation
- Duties of employers' and employees
- Typical accidents in handling
- Mechanics of the spine
- Principles of good movement (human kinetics)
- Handling heavy and awkward objects
- Overcoming handling problems
- Guideline for assessment
- Controlling hazards
Who should attend? Anyone who works at height, supervisors and managers. All staff that are particularly involved in manual materials handling.
Student Requirements: No previous training required
Do I get anything to take away? On completion of the course, delegates will receive a Certificate of Attendance.