- Understand the need for temporary works policy and procedure - Understand the background to temporary works Codes of Practice and relevant regulations including HASAWA, LOLER, PUWER, Work at Height & Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs. - Be aware of the roles and responsibilities of designers and other parties identified in CDM Regulations 2007. - Understand the contents of a design brief, the various levels of design and design checking - Understand and prepare a temporary works register including the monitoring of temporary works design - Recognise the different levels of risks associated with varying temporary works schemes - Produce a risk assessment/method statement for relatively straight forward temporary works - Understand the duties of various parties involved with temporary works including subcontractors - Understand the role of the Principal Contractor in relation to temporary works selection of appointment of TWC’s , the selection and appointment of TWS’s - Understand stability concepts and the responsibility to ensure temporary stability
Course Content
- Various forms of Temporary Works - Temporary Works case studies, policy & procedures - BS5975:2008 + A1:2011 - CDM Regulations - Regulations and Codes of Practice - Temporary Works Register & Design - Design checks & Standard solutions - Temporary Works monitoring & supervision - Temporary Works Co-ordinators, Risk Assessments and Method Statements - Designated Individuals
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