This accreditation is one mandatory unit over a one day course which covers gas testing and cover lifting. Learners are provided with the knowledge and skills to identify the hazards and potential risks involved in working safely on or in proximity to underground structures and operational buildings. This accreditation particularly is aimed at those individuals who undertake work in a telecommunication (or similar utility) environment. It also enables learners to gain knowledge of compliance with Health and Safety legislation. This accreditation tests learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding of dangers associated with these works and the safety precautions required while working in the underground network.
This accreditation requires that individuals involved in gas testing in the network are suitably assessed and accredited to industry and national standards. They must also hold the appropriate Street Works Card in line with the requirements of New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) 1991.
There are no formal entry requirements and Smart Awards will not restrict access on the grounds of prior academic attainment, age, employment, geographic location, or any other grounds. There are no barriers that restrict access or progression, thereby promoting equality. It is expected however that learners will have a level of literacy adequate to cope with both the theory and practical assessments.
However, the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) requires at least one person on site to hold a Street Works card to work on the highway. This accreditation is based on a pre-requisite that any work on the highway requires appropriate Street Works accreditation to be held by an individual working on site, and that this individual is qualified to check that the planned provision of footways, traffic lanes and safety zones determined by the site survey meets with the requirements of the site location and approved procedures and practices required by the NRSWA 1991.
This accreditation does not qualify an individual to enter a confined space. Those individuals who need to enter confined spaces MUST hold appropriate accreditation / accreditation to enter confined spaces. Any references made in this material to confined spaces are for information only and to make learners aware of the risks and presence of gases that may also be present in confined spaces.