Who is it for?
The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety is designed for managers, supervisors and staff from all types of organisations who need a broad understanding of health and safety issues. You do not need any previous health and safety knowledge however part of the assessment requires delegates to write a short report.
What will you get out of it?
A NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety certificate is awarded to all who successfully complete the course and all assessments. For many the NEBOSH International General Certificate is a key step in a career in health and safety. As well as providing a sound basis for further professional study, successful completion of the course enables you to apply for Technical Membership of IOSH (Tech IOSH) and for the Associate Membership of the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management, allowing you to use AIIRSM after your name.
What does it cover?
It covers health and safety management systems, risk control management, identification and control of work-place hazards and the practical application of this knowledge.
The qualification is divided into three units:
- Management of International Health and Safety.
- Controlling International workplace hazards.
- International Health and safety practical application.
Units IGC1 and IGC2 will be assessed by separate written examinations. Unit IGC3 is assessed by a practical assessment.
Unit IGC 1: Management of Health and Safety
Element 1 : Foundation in Health and Safety
- The scope and nature of occupational health and safety.
- The moral and financial reasons for promoting good standards of health and safety.
- Outline the role of national governments and international bodies in formulating a framework for the regulation of health and safety.
- Identify the nature and key sources of health and safety information.
- Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system.
Element 2 : Health and Safety Management Systems 1 – Policy
- Key elements of a health and safety management system.
- Purpose and importance of setting policy for health and safety.
- Key features and appropriate content of an effective health and safety policy.
Element 3 : Health and Safety Management Systems 2 – Organising
- Organisational health and safety roles and responsibilities of employers, directors and managers.
- Concept of health and safety culture and its significance in the management of health and safety in an organisation.
- Human factors which influence behaviour at work.
- How health and safety behaviour at work can be improved.
- Emergency procedures and the arrangements for contacting emergency services.
- Requirements for, and effective provision of, first-aid in the workplace.
Element 4 : Health and Safety Management Systems 3 – Planning
- Importance of planning.
- Principles and practice of risk assessment.
- General principles of control and a basic hierarchy of risk reduction measures.
- Sources of health and safety information.
- Factors that should be considered when developing and implementing a safe system of work for general work activities.
- Role and function of a permit-to-work system.
Element 5: Health and Safety Management Systems 4-Measuring, Audit and Review
- Active and reactive monitoring.
- Health and safety auditing.
- Investigating incidents.
- Recording and reporting incidents.
- Review of health and safety performance.
Unit IGC 2: Controlling Workplace Risks
Element 1: Workplace Hazards and Risk Control
- Health, welfare and work environment requirements.
- Violence at work. Substance misuse at work.
- Safe movement of people in the workplace.
- Working at height.
- Excavations.
Element 2 : Transport Hazards and Risk Control
- Safe movement of vehicles in the workplace.
- Driving at work.
Element 3 : Musculoskeletal Hazards and Risk Control
- Work-related upper limb disorders.
- Manual handling hazards, risks and control measures.
- Manually operated load handling equipment.
- Mechanically operated load handling equipment.
Element 4 : Work Equipment Hazards and Risk Control
- General requirements for work equipment.
- Hand-held tools.
- Machinery hazards.
- Control measures for reducing risks from machinery hazards.
Element 5 : Electrical Safety
- Risks associated with electricity.
- Control measures.
Element 6 : Fire Safety
- Fire initiation, classification and spread.
- Fire risk assessment.
- Fire prevention and prevention of fire spread.
- Fire alarm and fire-fighting equipment.
- Evacuation of a workplace.
Element 7: Chemical and Biological Health Hazards and Risk Control
- Forms of, classification of, and health risks from hazardous substances.
- Assessment of health risks.
- Workplace exposure limits.
- Control measures.
- Specific agents.
- Safe handling and storage of waste.
Element 8 : Physical and Psychological Health Hazards and Risk Control
- Noise.
- Vibration.
- Radiation.
- Stress.
Additional Information:
This NEBOSH course is being offered by BookMyCourse Ltd in association with NEBOSH accredited course provider T224SA - registered centre number 807.