This course complements the Temporary Works Co-ordinator training course and is designed to provide training for those undertaking the role of Temporary Works Supervisor as defined in BS5975:2008+A1:2011(referred to hereafter as ‘BS5975’)
The role can be defined, relating to three clauses within the BS:
1. Supervision and checking (Clause 7.4). The core role, applicable to all TWSs, and, if requested by the TWC, if competent to do so, and it satisfies the TWS’s own company procedures:
2. Issuing load/unload permits (Clause 7.3.4) (In addition, although not formally part of the TWS role, if requested by the TWC, if competent to do so in respect of each individual action, and it satisfies the TWS’s own company procedures.)
3. Assist the TWC discharge some of his/her responsibilities (specifically those which the TWC is permitted to delegate) (Clause 7.2.5)
The rationale for the Temporary Works Supervisor’s Course is to raise standards and set standards across the industry, and allow a transferable knowledge base between employers avoiding unnecessary supplementary training.
Aims and Objectives:
To ensure that all those given temporary works supervisory responsibilities understand:
- the need for and duties of a TWS
- the role of others
- the BS5975 in respect of this role.
- the importance of the ‘4Cs: communication, co-ordination, co-operation and competency.
- the need for risk management
At the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- understand the duties of a TWS and role of others
- have detailed knowledge and understanding of BS 5975
- understand how to manage risk
- implement the ‘4Cs’ effectively in the workplace
Entry Requirements:
There are no formal entry requirements; however, delegates should hold or be about to hold the role of a Temporary Works Supervisor.
Assessment will be by multiple choice questions at the end of the course as well as being expected to be interactive during the course.
The natural progression from this course would be the Temporary Works Co-ordinator Course (TWCTC) if duties allowed.