To provide thorough practical and theory training in operating a Ride on Roller, to enable the candidate to competently and safely carry out the role and pass the CPCS Theory and Practical Tests.
Course Content:
- Identify the basic construction, purpose and function of components and the purpose and use of all controls and gauges. - Identify and comply with manufacturers’ instructions in accordance with the operator’s handbook, other information sources and applicable legislation. - Carry out all pre-use and running checks. - Set the roller for site travel. - Travel over differing types of terrain, including undulating ground. - Manoeuvre in confined areas using forward and reverse direction. - Set the roller for compaction duties. - Prepare an area prior to compacting, i.e. traffic/personnel management etc. - Compact different materials to given instructions. - Compact up to supported and unsupported edges, against radii and around obstructions - Place the roller in an out-of-service condition. - Recognise compacted and uncompact areas. - State conditions that may cause instability of the roller. - State safety procedures when working up to unsupported edges. - Explain safety procedures when compacting on inclines. - Explain the loading and unloading procedures on and off a transporter.
Duration of Training: 3 days.
Pre-requisites: This course is suitable for those with little to no operational experience on the machine.
To achieve the Red CPCS Trained Operator Card candidates must pass both the CSCS touch screen H+S test (within the last 2 years) and the CPCS Theory Test and the Practical Test.
The course either has new dates in data loading, or is only run as a dedicated or In Company course.