ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization, which was founded in 1947 to develop and publish technical, industrial and commercial standards on a worldwide basis.
ISO standards are in place to ensure that products and services are safe, good quality and reliable; manufacturers must meet the standards for their specific sector/product in order to achieve and retain relevant certification.
OHSAS (The Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) was a British Standard health and safety management system that followed the” plan, do, check, review” cycle. It was set up to assist companies meet health and safety requirements in a well-organised and effective manner It was designed not only to work as a stand alone management system, but also to be easily combined with other management systems such as ISO 9001 (quality) and IOS 14001 (environmental).
OHSAS was formed by a project group with the aim of unifying different health and safety standards,with the OHSAS 18000 series first published in 1999. This consisted of 18001 and 18002; respectively, they provided the requirements of OHS management systems and implementation guidelines of such.
OHSAS 18001 was updated further in 2007 in line with current ILO-OSH (International Labour Standards on Occupational Safety and Health) and as such there were many updated training courses on this change in guidelines. However, BSI cancelled the BS OHSAS 18000 standards when ISO 45001 was published in 2018, with a 3 year migration period given for companies and organisations to migrate – this was extended to Sept 2021 due to adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
ISO 45001 is based on OHSAS 18001 and covers many of the same areas, as well as additional elements that are relevant to the standard.
The main changes include:
Organizations that held OHSAS certification prior to migration have not been affected in terms of duration; a certificate granted in 2017 that has been updated to ISO 45001:2018 would still be considered to have run for the entire duration since it was granted.
The internal auditing course is designed for those candidates that need to check on the how their own company is doing in relation to the ISO 45001:2018 standards. An internal auditor course will cover issues such as the purpose of management systems, certification process, PDCA model, clauses, the types of evidence being collected, planning, performing and reporting on the audit.
For other ISO training courses including ISO 14001 (Environmental) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management), please see our wider range of Quality Improvement courses