This means ongoing trouble for traffic, cyclists and walkers as roadworks are appearing on nearly every road. Even though the recession has left local authorities cash-strapped, there exists a huge need to improve infrastructure and quality of the roads. For supervisors and road building operatives involved in roadworks, it is vital that they are fully trained and up-to-speed with the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA), and the procedures and guidelines that they must adhere to.
The Dangers of Road works
Roadwork zones can be incredibly dangerous areas for the general public due to the hazards which are present. This is mainly due to their temporary nature and a lack of information about their presence. They cause reduced lane widths, enforced speed reductions and traffic congestion. They can also be very hazardous for the people working on these roadworks. Vulnerable to erratic cars amidst the poor light in which they work, sometimes through the night, it is not really surprising. The NRSWA course can go some way to combating the problems caused by roadworks by ensuring supervisors and operatives are fully trained and up-to-speed on new legislation.
What is a NRSWA Course?
The New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) sets out the guidelines for staff employed by local authorities, utilities companies and their contractors, which must be adhered to. Supervisors and operatives can undertake the NRSWA course which can provide full training on the Act. The course, which is provided by a number of different training providers and at locations all around the country, focuses on issues such as notification requirements, safety to road users and details the standards for signing, lighting and guarding. Road works are everywhere at the minute, and this of course brings new jobs and an influx of people coming to work in the industry. This makes it crucial to ensure that safety procedures are fully adhered to.
Where Can I Find a NRSWA Course?
You can use the Internet to search for a NRSWA course near you. If you are unable to find a training course near you then many training providers would oblige in coming to your workplace to provide units or modules to staff. This is a great idea if yours is a large workforce where all staff need to be trained. The practicalities of the Internet mean that searching for services using online search engines is very effective as they can provide you with a massive list of training providers that offer the NRSWA course. Many will even work the course around your current work commitments and your lifestyle should your time be restrained. Costs vary but comparing prices on the web should enable you to search for a course which is near you and within your budget. Good luck!