18-23 March 2019 are the dates this year for Open Doors Week, the fifth time this opportunity has occurred for students, caregivers and educators to see behind the scenes at major construction sites and really understand how buildings and structures are constructed. Build UK are delivering this event, alongside the CITB and in association with CCS, Construction News and CSCS.
Open Doors Week started in 2014 to help bridge the gap in construction skills, giving visitors the opportunity to get up close and personal with the sector and find out more about a career in construction. This year, there are over 100 sites registered from all over the country, including Tretherras School in Newquay (Cornwall), the University of Birmingham (East Midlands), the University of Brighton (East Sussex), East Leeds Orbital Route (West Yorkshire), AIEC Aberystwyth University (Wales), Edinburgh University (Scotland) and Lossiemouth High School (Scottish Highlands). You can find all of the sites as well as how many spaces are left here:
https://opendoors.construction/#find-a-site. All visitors must pre-book.
Construction careersAttracting new workers into a career in the construction sector has been an ongoing focus of the sector, with increased press coverage, construction job fairs, apprenticeship programs and trade fairs all aimed at encouraging the younger generation to consider entering the sector and gaining skills to further their career prospects. The
Go Construct website (operated by CITB) is working in partnership with Open Doors Week and offers more information on different roles, qualifications and a range of case studies to help grow the sector.
There has also been increased focus this year on encourages women into the construction sector; traditionally seen as a male dominated industry with only 14% of the sector workforce female, ongoing efforts are in progress to break down these barriers and encourage females to pursue a construction career. Open Doors Week will play its part in appealing to all genders to consider this sector as a career path.
Handy links for anyone interested in Open Doors Week- Find a Site:
- Gallery:
: https://opendoors.construction/gallery/gallery/