Health and Safety Law: Minimise the Risk
The legislation is there to protect the company and their employees, helping to reduce the illness or injury risks in the workplace. Taking good care of staff will help boost morale, keeping them safe, confident and valued. Not only does keeping up with H&S training comply with the law, but it also makes good sense to impart as much knowledge as possible to the staff within the business.
The legislation states that any employer needs to manage the risks in the workplace. Identifying potentially hazardous elements is vital in the quest to protect staff and in some cases the general public. This type of risk assessment allows the business to decide where improvements can be made and what measures need to be implemented in the future. Meticulous and detailed risk assessments will identify the need for any change. These assessments should be completed regularly, there are five stages to the risk assessment:
1. Identify the hazards
2. Decide who and how someone could be harmed
3. Evaluate the risks and put precautions in place
4. Record the findings and implement them
5. Review the assessment and update as and when it is needed.
The most important thing is that these assessments are completed regularly. Workplaces never stand still for long and changes to the environment will bring about new hazards.All staff need to receive adequate and appropriate training - we provide a range of different health and safety courses to help employees and employers stay within the law.
It can be helpful to know what the most common areas of concern are for employers in terms of health and safety failures:
• Slips and Trips
• Electrical Faults
• High Noise Levels
• Undertrained Staff
• Computers
• First Aid Mishaps
It is also a good idea to keep an up-to-date list of the health requirements of the employees in the event that they fall ill at work, so they can be provided with appropriate care by the First Aiders. Anyone with epilepsy for example, will need specialised care should then suffer an attack at work.